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Decolonizing Europe: how to engage with decolonization in European civil society? | Decolonial Learning Session #32

If we want to strengthen the decolonial movement in Europe, what are aspects we need to be mindful of? What are successes that already have been achieved? And what are challenges we need to tackle? In this Decolonial Learning Session team members of Decolonial Europe Day share their experiences in European civil society on these questions. They will discuss work they do and reflect on what the decolonial movement needs considering the current political climate in European countries.

For the audio recording, click here.

About Decolonial Europe Day:
The Decolonial Europe Day is an initiative that uses the occasion of Europe Day (9 May every year) to bring together existing decolonising initiatives, civil society organizations and other actors around the common project of decolonizing Europe, understood as an ongoing process. On behalf of Decolonial Europe Day the following team members will contribute to this session:

  • Aarti Narsee (she): Aarti Narsee is a South African intersectional feminist, former journalist and activist who works as a civic space expert and is actively working to bring an intersectional and decolonial lens to civil society.
  • Seema Syeda (she/they): Seema Syeda is Head of Communications at European Alternatives and a campaigner with Another Europe Is Possible. She organises an ongoing transnational campaign against Islamophobia including research into anti-Muslim hatred in Germany/UK. She has recently started a substack @seemasyeda.
  • Rachel Nelems (she): Rachel Nelems is a global campaigner, trainer, communicator, connected and facilitator from the Pacific Northwest of Turtle Island (North America), with political and NGO experience across 3 continents. She is currently freelancing, with clients including GGON global climate network.
  • Maarten de Groot (he): Maarten de Groot is an organiser, with a background in the EU/democracy-related civil society field, who’s trying to use his privileges for the purpose of collective liberation, and paying his bills with freelance project management and communications work.

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